What You Should Know About Rat Control In Denver

service image rat

You may encounter a couple of different types of rats in Denver, and each species brings its own risks. Instead of investing in dubious home remedies to kill rats, you should be contacting professionals for efficient rat control.

Identifying Rats And Their Risks

The two main types of rats you may encounter around your Denver property are the Norway rat and the woodrat. Norway rats are brownish or grey and can grow up to sixteen inches in length, including their tail. They prefer moist or underground areas to live in, such as sewers, basements, and crawl spaces. Woodrats, on the other hand, will grow to about twelve inches long. They tend to prefer outdoor areas to live in and are commonly known as packrats due to their love of bringing home small, shiny items and packing them in their nest.

Because rats have evolved alongside human civilizations for centuries, they are highly skilled at living among humans and dependent on certain aspects of human society. Rats will scavenge their food and water from human structures, and many will move into secluded areas around your Denver home as part of their search for shelter.

There are many problems that can arise as rats invade your home. These pests can cause significant destruction due to their constant gnawing, chewing, and scratching. Rats can chew through materials such as wood, plastic, cinder block, brick, and fabric, leaving behind a costly trail of damage.

Rats can also introduce serious diseases into your home. Rodents are known carriers of the following illnesses, which you can pick up from coming into contact with the rat itself or by accidentally interacting with any urine or feces they leave behind.

  • Leptospirosis
  • Hantavirus
  • Plague
  • Tularemia
  • Rat-bite fever
  • Leptospirosis
  • Salmonellosis

Additionally, rats commonly carry parasites on their bodies such as fleas, ticks, and mites. When they enter your home, these parasites drop off and may cause their own infestation.

To help reduce the risk of rats entering your house, follow some of the prevention tips listed below:

  • Seal up all potential entry points around your home. Block off any gaps or cracks in the windows, doors, and foundation of your house. You should use a chew-proof material for this, such as steel wool or hard cement. And be sure to be thorough, as rats can squeeze through holes as small as the size of a quarter.
  • Make sure all food waste and trash are sealed tightly and thrown away promptly; the scent of food and garbage are major factors in attracting rats. You should also ensure all pet food is in an airtight, sealed container and that you refrain from leaving out leftover food, food and drink spills, or dirty dishes.
  • Clear your yard of debris and keep the grass trimmed low to eliminate outdoor hiding spots for rats and deter them from making nests in your yard. You may also want to declutter outdoor sheds regularly.

Effective Rat Control

One of the most effective and safest ways to get rid of rats and fully eliminate a rat infestation is to contact our professionals here at Advantage Pest Management. Investing in expert rodent control can save you from dealing with rats directly and from using over-the-counter chemicals or home remedies to kill rats that may not be as effective as the targeted solutions that professionals provide.

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