How To Keep The Denver Hornets At Bay


There are many things to love about the summer, but the stinging insects in Denver aren't among them. Hornets are diligent, hard-working insects that reduce garden pest populations and help pollinate native flora, but they're also highly aggressive pests that attack without provocation. You don't want these dangerous insects to ruin all of your summer break plans, so it's time to learn how to keep hornets away from your property this year.

Hornets Vs. Wasps: The Key Differences

Truthfully, there are no "true" hornets in Denver. The only true hornet species in North America is the European hornet, which mainly resides on the eastern coast. The bald-faced hornet is found in Denver, though, and while it is technically a wasp, it looks and behaves more like a hornet. Stinging insects are always challenging to identify for many reasons accurately, but if you're able to take a closer look then, you'll notice the key differences between wasps and hornets:

  • Level of aggression – wasps and hornets are viciously protective of their nests, but hornets are much more aggressive than wasps.
  • Size – social wasps range between 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch long, while hornets are at least an inch in length.
  • Structure – hornets are more robust and stocky, but wasps have much thinner bodies.
  • Fine hairs – wasps are sleek and completely hairless, while hornets have fine hairs on their heads and torsos.
  • Nests – bald-faced hornets build aerial sheltered paper-like nests in tree canopies, but while some wasp species also build aerial nests, theirs are open-comb.

Regardless of the species, stinging insects are dangerous pests in neighborhoods. If you think you have a hornet or wasp infestation on your Chicago property, then contact your local pest control company for assistance.

Are Hornet Stings Dangerous?

Hornets, like all stinging insects, are venomous creatures. They create and store venom in their abdomens, so when they use their stingers to defend themselves or subdue their prey, it gets injected into their victims. For most people, a single sting won't constitute an emergency. Still, multiple stings from an entire nest of angry hornets will increase toxicity levels in the bloodstream, which requires immediate medical attention. Many people are also severely allergic to stinging insects, and a single sting for them will require immediate medical attention.

Six Steps To Deter Hornets In Denver

Hornets require food, water, and shelter to survive like all creatures. Hornets have their own particular requirements for adequate nesting spots, but with these six easy tips, you'll be able to prevent hornets from nesting around your Denver home:

  1. Reduce Moisture. Poor-draining soil and leaky pipes create moisture problems around your home, so you need to ensure your pipes are in good condition and your lawn is aerated.
  2. Trash Storage. Garbage cans are excellent food sources for hornets, so install tight-fitting lids on your outdoor trash receptacles.
  3. Smart Gardening. Hornets enjoy sweets as well, and flowering plants create delicious nectar. Reduce the number of flowering plants in your garden.
  4. Defensive Gardening. Some plants will repel stinging insects! Consider adding citronella, marigolds, wormwood, pennyroyal, and geraniums to your garden.
  5. Trees and Bushes. Since bald-faced hornets live in trees and bushes, trimming back overgrown branches will deter them from nesting in those areas.
  6. Deterrent Décor. Stinging insects such as wasps and hornets are territorial, so a fake wasp nest may prevent hornets from nesting around your property.

These easy steps will help keep hornets away, but they won't get rid of an already active infestation. If you have hornets nesting on your property, you need to contact your local Denver pest control company to help you get rid of them.

Hornet Removal For Denver Residents

Stinging insects like hornets are dangerous pests that should never be allowed to invade your personal space. It may be tempting to try to save some cash with a can of wasp spray, but it's incredibly hazardous to get rid of hornets on your own. Instead of putting yourself in harm's way, let our pest professionals at Advantage Pest Management take care of them for you. We use the best pest control products and techniques available, including Integrated Pest Management, and we always make sure our customers' pest problems are solved. So give us a call today and say farewell to those pesky stinging insects.

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