Are House Ants In Denver Something To Worry About?


Ants aren't just picnic pests. They can infest your home, too, and they can become a real problem. Don't let these tiny insects take over your house! Contact Advantage Pest Management for pest control in Denver. We'll take care of ant infestations, so you don't have to. 

Easy-To-Spot Signs Of Ants

The most obvious and common sign of an infestation is the sight of ants. Appearances can vary over different species, so it's important to know how to identify ants

Odorous house ants are 1/16 to 1/8 inches long, brown or black, and oval-shaped with six legs and antennae. When crushed, they smell like rotten coconuts.

Carpenter ants are enormous ants that can measure up to 5/8 inch long, and their color varies from brown, black, red, or black and red. Carpenter ants got their name from their nesting habits: they chew through wood to make homes. Unlike termites, they don't eat wood. They make holes. You may see these holes or little sawdust-like piles nearby. 

Pavement ants are about 1/16 to 1/8 of an inch. They range from dark brown to black and have six legs and two antennae. They like to build their nests in sidewalk cracks and driveways. 

Their name pretty well describes little black ants. They're about 1/16 of an inch long, dark brown or black, with six legs and two antennae. These ants are common in wooded areas, under rocks, and along sidewalks. Little black ants also like to build nests indoors in woodwork, wall voids, and decaying wood. 

How Dangerous Is It To Have Ants In My House?

For the most part, ants are nuisance pests. That means they don't spread disease or cause harm to humans. Because they get into food, there is some contamination risk. Carpenter ants are the most harmful in Denver because they cause so much property damage. Just because ants aren't the most dangerous pest doesn't mean you want them in your house. When it comes to ant control, there are a few steps you can take.

Simple Tips To Prevent Ants In The House

It's essential to take steps in your home that prevent ant infestations. Ants can be difficult to control on your own, so prevention is necessary. 

  • Seal holes in the walls: Even the biggest ants are pretty tiny. They can fill small gaps while searching for food or a place to build a nest. Carpenter ants, in particular, look for ways to get inside the walls. By sealing up any holes or cracks in your walls and foundation, you can keep ants from entering your home from outside or crawling into the walls. 
  • Limit access to food: Ants are very fond of human food, including—but not limited to—sugars. Keeping food stored in airtight containers keeps ants from getting into it. You should also clean up any spills as quickly as possible. 
  • Dispose of garbage properly: Any access to food, including food waste, can attract ants and other pests. But if you ensure that all trash is thrown away correctly, including using trash cans with tight-fitting lids, you can keep ants away from your home.
  • Remove excess moisture: This step is essential for multiple reasons. One, ants need water to live; if they can get it from leaky pipes or rooms with extra humidity, they will. Secondly, carpenter and little black ants look for decaying or damaged wood to build their nests. Excess moisture can cause issues with the wooden parts of your home, making them ideal locations for ants. 

Ant infestations are no joke. Do-it-yourself methods often fail, which is why the best pest control for ants is calling in a professional company—Advantage Pest Management—for help. 

How To Completely Get Rid Of Ants In Your Home

Advantage Pest Management offers high-quality ant control for homes in Denver. We know how frustrating it can be to have ants invading your home, which is why we work hard to ensure they leave and don't return. Our service specialists create treatment plans that are specific to your home. If you need ant control in Denver, you need Advantage Pest Management. 

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